Flours rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals

Spelt/Dinkel and Dicoccum/Emmer flours have already been employed in each type of bakery product and pasta production.

MOLINO SIMA, using different grinding techniques, offers to the clients an ample choice range, able to satisfy every necessity and every type of manufacturing. 

Botanically spelt is a high nutritive cereal. It distinguishes itself from the other types of wheat because of the seed capsule which tents to stick to the grain so that it has to be decorticated before it is used. It was considered “sacred” for the ancient Italian inhabitant: Latin, Umbrian, and Sabine.

The flat spelt made with this cereal (the “Spelta”) was the ritual wedding dish in the Roman wedding. It grows on poor soils, it does not need many treatments, it resists to law temperature and it produces a rustic grain which can be used in innumerable ways after it has been wisely transformed in flour.


Spelt/Dinkel Type 0

Suitable for bread production and other bread-like products like: crackers, flat bread, crispy toast-like bread, bread sticks, unleavened bread (typical of Romagna), sweet and salty biscuits-like products, pastry products in general, snacks, pizza.


Spelt/Dinkel Wholegrain

Soft wheat’s ancestor wholewheat spelt can be used as an alternative to traditional flour for making baked products and homemade pastas.


Dicoccum/Emmer Semolato

Dry pasta, fresh pasta, filled pasta.


Dicoccum/Emmer Wholegrain

Special pasta, dry pasta and breadmaking

Other types of flour produced by SimaBio